DCMS Bylaws
ARTICLE I ‑ Name and Title of the Society
The name and title of this organization shall be the Dane County Medical Society (DCMS).
ARTICLE II ‑ Purposes of the DCMS
The purposes of this DCMS are to promote the science and art of medicine, to better public health, to promote collegiality, to bring together the physicians of Dane County, and to unite with the other county societies to form the Wisconsin Medical Society.
ARTICLE III ‑ Eligibility
Every physician who meets the Wisconsin Medical Society’s member eligibility criteria and is practicing in DaneCounty may apply for membership, subject to conditions prescribed by DCMS Bylaws.
ARTICLE IV ‑ Meetings
The Annual Business Meeting shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board of Trustees. Special membership meetings may be called by the President and/or by a written request of five members. A call for a special membership meeting shall state the object of the meeting, at which no business except that stated in the call shall be transacted.
ARTICLE V - Officers, Delegates and Alternate Delegates, Board of Trustees
The officers of this DCMS shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the current officers, immediate Past-President, ten members at large, one medical student, and one resident/fellow as defined in Chapter I, Section 3.A.4. of the Wisconsin Medical Society bylaws. The officers, other than the President, the medical student and resident/fellow representative shall be elected annually. All at-large terms will be for two years, except that five of the ten at-large members elected in 2017 will serve for four years. Delegates and Alternate Delegates to Wisconsin Medical Society shall hold office for a one-year term.
ARTICLE VI ‑ Funds and Expenses
Funds for the expenses of the DCMS may be raised by annual dues, special assessments and voluntary contributions. Funds may be appropriated by a vote of the Board of Trustees for purposes that will promote its welfare and that of the profession.
ARTICLE VII ‑ Amendments
The DCMS may amend any article of this Constitution by a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any membership meeting, provided that the amendment or amendment(s) are not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Wisconsin Medical Society or any other applicable provision of law, and that the amendment has been read in open session at a previous regular meeting; and mailed to each member at least two months before the meeting at which the final action is to be taken.
ARTICLE VIII‑Approval of the Wisconsin Medical Society
The Constitution and Bylaws of this DCMS shall be consistent with those of Wisconsin Medical Society and its regulations. To assure such, the DCMS shall apply to the Wisconsin Medical Society Board of Directors for approval of this Constitution and Bylaws and all amendments.
The jurisdiction of this DCMS is exclusively within DaneCounty and no activity shall be extended beyond its barriers except with the consent of adjoining county medical societies and Wisconsin Medical Society’s approval.
CHAPTER I ‑ Membership
Section 1. County medical society membership must be held in that county in which the physician's principal practice is located.
Section 2. The DCMS shall judge the qualifications of its members. Every physician with a current license registration practicing in DaneCounty may apply for membership as may every medical student enrolled and in good standing in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
Section 3. A candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the DCMS. DCMS shall inquire into the applicant’s standing and registration with the state or his/her enrollment in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Applicants for membership shall be elected by two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at a membership meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee will inform the Wisconsin Medical Society of the results of the action of the Trustees on the candidate’s application.
Section 4. Any physician who feels aggrieved by the DCMS decision to deny membership, suspend or expel him/her shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Medical Society, whose decision shall be final. DCMS shall at all times be permitted to appeal or refer questions involving membership to the Board of the Wisconsin Medical Society for final determination.
Section 5. A physician who applies for membership from another county medical society of this or any state shall be admitted as a member on a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at a membership meeting. Annual dues for the current year shall be waived for a member transferring within the state provided that the member's current year's dues have been paid.
Section 6. All members are privileged to attend all meetings and take part in all proceedings. Only regular members, as defined by Wisconsin Medical Society, shall be eligible to hold office. A member who is under suspension shall not be permitted to take part in any proceedings. No privilege of membership shall be extended to any person not a member of this DCMS except upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at a membership meeting ofthe DCMS.
Section 7. The specific categories of membership shall be consistent in title and definition with those of Wisconsin Medical Society. Wisconsin Medical Society shall assign membership classifications.
Section 8. Members are responsible for full payment of dues and assessments.
CHAPTER II ‑ Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, and Board of Trustees
Section 1. With the exception of the President, DCMS officers shall be elected each year at the Annual Business Meeting. Nominations shall be made either by the Nominations Committee or from the floor. All elections where more than one nomination is received shall be by ballot.
Section 2. The President shall preside at DCMS meetings and perform other duties as custom and parliamentary usage might require. S/he shall stimulate and assist the DCMS in operating in a successful manner.
Section 3. The President‑Elect shall succeed automatically to the presidency at the Annual Business Meeting one year following election, or upon the President's death, disability, resignation, or transfer from the county.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall be declared President‑Elect if circumstances vacate that office, whereupon the Board of Trustees shall elect a successor to the office of Vice-President. Responsibilities of this office include serving as Chair of the Program Committee.
Section 5. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall record minutes of the membership meetings and Annual Business Meeting and receive and care for all records and papers of the DCMS. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall notify members as to the time and place of each meeting, and whenever possible, give the program for the meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall keep an accounting of all DCMS funds. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall maintain a list of DCMS members in good standing. In the event of a vacancy in this office, the Board of Trustees will elect a successor.
Section 6. The Board of Trustees shall actively manage the business affairs of the DCMS. It will approve all expenditures of funds and may delegate any such approval authority as it sees fit. The Board of Trustees shall help plan for the successful operation of the DCMS.
Section 7. The Delegates, elected in the manner specified by Wisconsin Medical Society Constitution and Bylaws, shall attend and faithfully represent the members of this DCMS and the profession of this county in the Wisconsin Medical Society’s House of Delegates. They shall report the proceedings of that body to this DCMS at the earliest opportunity.
CHAPTER III ‑ Committees
Section 1. The President with the approval of the Board of Trustees shall appoint all committees. The DCMS shall have for its standing Committees, the following:
(a) Program. This committee shall consist of the Vice‑President, Secretary/Treasurer, and President of the DCMS, with the Vice-President acting as its chairperson. This committee will arrange a program for each Annual Business Meeting and designate its time and place, subject to the Board of Trustees approval.
(b) Nominations. This committee shall consist of two members from the Board of Trustees and three members from the DCMS at large. This committee shall meet at least two months prior to the Annual Business Meeting to prepare a list of candidates for office. This listing shall be distributed to the membership at least one month prior to the election.
Section 2. The President, with the Board of Trustees approval, may appoint special committees, whose function shall be stated at the time of appointment. Such committees shall cease to function upon completing the work for which they were created.
Section 3. All committees, either standing or special, shall keep a record of their activities. The Committees will deliver these to the Secretary/Treasurer or his/her designee at the Annual Business Meeting, who shall then keep these on file.
CHAPTER IV ‑ Funds and Expenses
Section 1. The annual dues amount shall be set by the Board of Trustees and shall be payable according to a schedule, which corresponds to that of Wisconsin Medical Society. DCMS reserves the right to suspend membership for non-payment of dues and drop members from the roll of members.
Section 2. The fiscal year of the DCMS shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive.
CHAPTER V ‑ Meetings
Section 1. The Annual Business Meeting shall be held on or about the second Tuesday of October. Election of officers, delegates/alternate delegates, and At‑large Board members shall be conducted at this meeting. Annual reports from the Secretary/Treasurer and committee chairs will also be accepted.
Section 2. Membership meetings shall be scheduled as necessary.
Section 3. The Board of Trustees shall hold meetings as necessary.
Section 1. A voting assembly of no less than 25 members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at any general membership meeting.
Section 2. A majority of the members from the Board of Trustees must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Board of Trustees.
Chapter VII – Allocation of Authority
Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall determine fiscal matters and membership election procedures.
Section 2. The regular members, as defined by Wisconsin Medical Society, shall approve amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and shall elect DCMS officers.
CHAPTER VIII ‑ Rules of Order
The current edition of Sturgis Standard of Parliamentary Procedure governs this organization in all parliamentary situations not provided for by constitution, bylaws or adopted rules.
CHAPTER IX ‑ The Principles of Medical Ethics
The Principles of Medical Ethics adopted by Wisconsin Medical Society are the principles of medical ethics of the DCMS.
CHAPTER X ‑ Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or annual meeting by a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting provided that the amendment or amendments are not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Wisconsin Medical Society or any other applicable provision of law, and that the amendment has been read in open session at a previous meeting and mailed to each member at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which final action is to be taken.
ARTICLE I ‑ Name and Title of the Society
The name and title of this organization shall be the Dane County Medical Society (DCMS).
ARTICLE II ‑ Purposes of the DCMS
The purposes of this DCMS are to promote the science and art of medicine, to better public health, to promote collegiality, to bring together the physicians of Dane County, and to unite with the other county societies to form the Wisconsin Medical Society.
ARTICLE III ‑ Eligibility
Every physician who meets the Wisconsin Medical Society’s member eligibility criteria and is practicing in DaneCounty may apply for membership, subject to conditions prescribed by DCMS Bylaws.
ARTICLE IV ‑ Meetings
The Annual Business Meeting shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board of Trustees. Special membership meetings may be called by the President and/or by a written request of five members. A call for a special membership meeting shall state the object of the meeting, at which no business except that stated in the call shall be transacted.
ARTICLE V - Officers, Delegates and Alternate Delegates, Board of Trustees
The officers of this DCMS shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the current officers, immediate Past-President, ten members at large, one medical student, and one resident/fellow as defined in Chapter I, Section 3.A.4. of the Wisconsin Medical Society bylaws. The officers, other than the President, the medical student and resident/fellow representative shall be elected annually. All at-large terms will be for two years, except that five of the ten at-large members elected in 2017 will serve for four years. Delegates and Alternate Delegates to Wisconsin Medical Society shall hold office for a one-year term.
ARTICLE VI ‑ Funds and Expenses
Funds for the expenses of the DCMS may be raised by annual dues, special assessments and voluntary contributions. Funds may be appropriated by a vote of the Board of Trustees for purposes that will promote its welfare and that of the profession.
ARTICLE VII ‑ Amendments
The DCMS may amend any article of this Constitution by a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any membership meeting, provided that the amendment or amendment(s) are not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Wisconsin Medical Society or any other applicable provision of law, and that the amendment has been read in open session at a previous regular meeting; and mailed to each member at least two months before the meeting at which the final action is to be taken.
ARTICLE VIII‑Approval of the Wisconsin Medical Society
The Constitution and Bylaws of this DCMS shall be consistent with those of Wisconsin Medical Society and its regulations. To assure such, the DCMS shall apply to the Wisconsin Medical Society Board of Directors for approval of this Constitution and Bylaws and all amendments.
The jurisdiction of this DCMS is exclusively within DaneCounty and no activity shall be extended beyond its barriers except with the consent of adjoining county medical societies and Wisconsin Medical Society’s approval.
CHAPTER I ‑ Membership
Section 1. County medical society membership must be held in that county in which the physician's principal practice is located.
Section 2. The DCMS shall judge the qualifications of its members. Every physician with a current license registration practicing in DaneCounty may apply for membership as may every medical student enrolled and in good standing in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
Section 3. A candidate for membership shall apply in writing to the DCMS. DCMS shall inquire into the applicant’s standing and registration with the state or his/her enrollment in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Applicants for membership shall be elected by two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at a membership meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee will inform the Wisconsin Medical Society of the results of the action of the Trustees on the candidate’s application.
Section 4. Any physician who feels aggrieved by the DCMS decision to deny membership, suspend or expel him/her shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Medical Society, whose decision shall be final. DCMS shall at all times be permitted to appeal or refer questions involving membership to the Board of the Wisconsin Medical Society for final determination.
Section 5. A physician who applies for membership from another county medical society of this or any state shall be admitted as a member on a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at a membership meeting. Annual dues for the current year shall be waived for a member transferring within the state provided that the member's current year's dues have been paid.
Section 6. All members are privileged to attend all meetings and take part in all proceedings. Only regular members, as defined by Wisconsin Medical Society, shall be eligible to hold office. A member who is under suspension shall not be permitted to take part in any proceedings. No privilege of membership shall be extended to any person not a member of this DCMS except upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at a membership meeting ofthe DCMS.
Section 7. The specific categories of membership shall be consistent in title and definition with those of Wisconsin Medical Society. Wisconsin Medical Society shall assign membership classifications.
Section 8. Members are responsible for full payment of dues and assessments.
CHAPTER II ‑ Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, and Board of Trustees
Section 1. With the exception of the President, DCMS officers shall be elected each year at the Annual Business Meeting. Nominations shall be made either by the Nominations Committee or from the floor. All elections where more than one nomination is received shall be by ballot.
Section 2. The President shall preside at DCMS meetings and perform other duties as custom and parliamentary usage might require. S/he shall stimulate and assist the DCMS in operating in a successful manner.
Section 3. The President‑Elect shall succeed automatically to the presidency at the Annual Business Meeting one year following election, or upon the President's death, disability, resignation, or transfer from the county.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall be declared President‑Elect if circumstances vacate that office, whereupon the Board of Trustees shall elect a successor to the office of Vice-President. Responsibilities of this office include serving as Chair of the Program Committee.
Section 5. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall record minutes of the membership meetings and Annual Business Meeting and receive and care for all records and papers of the DCMS. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall notify members as to the time and place of each meeting, and whenever possible, give the program for the meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall keep an accounting of all DCMS funds. The Secretary/Treasurer or designee shall maintain a list of DCMS members in good standing. In the event of a vacancy in this office, the Board of Trustees will elect a successor.
Section 6. The Board of Trustees shall actively manage the business affairs of the DCMS. It will approve all expenditures of funds and may delegate any such approval authority as it sees fit. The Board of Trustees shall help plan for the successful operation of the DCMS.
Section 7. The Delegates, elected in the manner specified by Wisconsin Medical Society Constitution and Bylaws, shall attend and faithfully represent the members of this DCMS and the profession of this county in the Wisconsin Medical Society’s House of Delegates. They shall report the proceedings of that body to this DCMS at the earliest opportunity.
CHAPTER III ‑ Committees
Section 1. The President with the approval of the Board of Trustees shall appoint all committees. The DCMS shall have for its standing Committees, the following:
(a) Program. This committee shall consist of the Vice‑President, Secretary/Treasurer, and President of the DCMS, with the Vice-President acting as its chairperson. This committee will arrange a program for each Annual Business Meeting and designate its time and place, subject to the Board of Trustees approval.
(b) Nominations. This committee shall consist of two members from the Board of Trustees and three members from the DCMS at large. This committee shall meet at least two months prior to the Annual Business Meeting to prepare a list of candidates for office. This listing shall be distributed to the membership at least one month prior to the election.
Section 2. The President, with the Board of Trustees approval, may appoint special committees, whose function shall be stated at the time of appointment. Such committees shall cease to function upon completing the work for which they were created.
Section 3. All committees, either standing or special, shall keep a record of their activities. The Committees will deliver these to the Secretary/Treasurer or his/her designee at the Annual Business Meeting, who shall then keep these on file.
CHAPTER IV ‑ Funds and Expenses
Section 1. The annual dues amount shall be set by the Board of Trustees and shall be payable according to a schedule, which corresponds to that of Wisconsin Medical Society. DCMS reserves the right to suspend membership for non-payment of dues and drop members from the roll of members.
Section 2. The fiscal year of the DCMS shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive.
CHAPTER V ‑ Meetings
Section 1. The Annual Business Meeting shall be held on or about the second Tuesday of October. Election of officers, delegates/alternate delegates, and At‑large Board members shall be conducted at this meeting. Annual reports from the Secretary/Treasurer and committee chairs will also be accepted.
Section 2. Membership meetings shall be scheduled as necessary.
Section 3. The Board of Trustees shall hold meetings as necessary.
Section 1. A voting assembly of no less than 25 members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at any general membership meeting.
Section 2. A majority of the members from the Board of Trustees must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Board of Trustees.
Chapter VII – Allocation of Authority
Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall determine fiscal matters and membership election procedures.
Section 2. The regular members, as defined by Wisconsin Medical Society, shall approve amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and shall elect DCMS officers.
CHAPTER VIII ‑ Rules of Order
The current edition of Sturgis Standard of Parliamentary Procedure governs this organization in all parliamentary situations not provided for by constitution, bylaws or adopted rules.
CHAPTER IX ‑ The Principles of Medical Ethics
The Principles of Medical Ethics adopted by Wisconsin Medical Society are the principles of medical ethics of the DCMS.
CHAPTER X ‑ Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or annual meeting by a two‑thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting provided that the amendment or amendments are not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Wisconsin Medical Society or any other applicable provision of law, and that the amendment has been read in open session at a previous meeting and mailed to each member at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which final action is to be taken.