Be a Member of the Dane County Medical Society |
To belong to the Dane County Medical Society, membership in the Wisconsin Medical Society is also required. If you're not already a member, please take a few moments to learn about what membership in both your county and state medical society can do for you!
Education & Events
Financial Solutions & Security
- Participate in Society leadership by joining a committee, task force, county medical society meetings and district caucuses--contact a member of our team and share your interest
- Use WisMed PolicyLink, an online tool for submitting health care policies the Society should include in its health care advocacy.
- Opportunities to build relationships with your representatives by attending exclusive political events, meeting with legislators and giving testimony on bills important for the profession and patient care--contact a member of our team to get involved
- Political contributions through WisMedDIRECT, a personal political giving account, and WisMedPAC, which contributes to key candidates and committees at the direction of the physician-led PAC Board
- Take part in policy development to help guide our advocacy efforts
Education & Events
- Exclusive access to the Physician Leadership Academy—a virtual program to help physicians taking on leadership roles attain foundational leadership skills while earning CME
- Doctor Day—join hundreds of physicians to advocate for your patients and profession
- Mentor a student and help advance medical research through the Foundation’s fellowship program
- Local County Medical Society meetings and events
- Annual Wisconsin Medical Society Event—networking event that includes education, giving opportunities, awards and member briefing
- WisMed Meetups—fun, agenda-free opportunities to connect with your colleagues
- Discounted CME programming for in-person events, and live and on-demand webinars, including discounted access to an 8-hour on-demand DEA MATE Act training course
- Accreditation Services for CME
- Support community health through Foundation grant programs
- Volunteer opportunities at the Wisconsin Science Festival
- Highlight your specialty at the Foundation’s Operation: Education programs
- Opportunities to be recognized and receive awards for outstanding achievement in student and physician leadership
- Legal assistance hotline—a one-hour consultation with a health care law attorney free of charge, and reduced rates on follow-up work
- Physician wellness available for all WisMed members
- Medigram—the Society’s weekly newsletter
- WisMed OnCall—the Society’s podcast--contact us if you have an idea for an episode
- Recruit or hire physicians (learn more) with discounted rates on talent strategy services from Titus Talent Strategies or find physician career opportunities (learn more)
Financial Solutions & Security
- Estate document services and financial planning through WisMed Financial
- WisMed Perks—vendor discounts on a variety of products and services, including digital marketing
- Discounts on and exclusive access to insurance products through WisMed Assure including medical malpractice insurance, WPS Medicare Supplement program, Delta Dental endorsed group plan, large-group rates through the Association Health Plan and disability and life insurance
- More than $700,000 in Foundation student loans, scholarships and awards given annually